Dynamically changed Dropdown choices isn't reflected after reload.

QuestionsDynamically changed Dropdown choices isn't reflected after reload.
Warren Davis asked 4 years ago

I have a column field that is set through a dropdown menu

$col["edittype"] = "select";

My design constraint is that once a value in the dropdown has been selected, it is no longer available as a choice. I have put logic in to correctly determine which choices are available…

$choices = getMilestoneDropdownChoices("msDescrip");  // my function
$col["editoptions"] = array("value"=>$choices);

so for example, if my choices are initially  (“0:A,1:B,2:C,3:D”)   and the user opens the dropdown and selects C, then my function would return  (“0:A,1:B,3:D”)  next time.  This works correctly. However, the dropdown doesn’t reflect that change until I reload the page.  Reloading the Grid (using the Reload Grid icon or through code) doesn’t cause the dropdown to be updated.

How can I get this to work?


1 Answers
pcattani answered 4 years ago

This may not be the solution you’re looking for, but you could reload the page using javascript in your function…

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