edit problem with subgrid

Questionsedit problem with subgrid
David asked 10 years ago

Hi Abu,

When you try to edit a row on subgrid (not the first edited row)

you have constantly the dialog "Changes are not saved reset change ?"

when you click edit button or on dblclick, row in subgrid.

possible to fix or disable dialog ?


6 Answers
David answered 10 years ago

after some tests it appears that when you edit row in subgrid , row with same id on master-grid is also edited.

you can test on your demo folder subgrid has the same behavior.

hope this report help

Abu Ghufran answered 10 years ago

I've emailed you a fix, thanks for identifying this issue.

David answered 10 years ago

Thanks for the fix Abu,
but this doe not solve the problem , row on master grid with same ID is still edited togheter with subgrid.

Abu Ghufran answered 10 years ago

Fix emailed

Raghu answered 9 years ago

Hi Abu,

Even I am facing the same issue when editing at row level will keep getting this alert. Can you please send across the fix to me as well.

Abu Ghufran answered 9 years ago

Emailed you update.

For others, you can request update by emailing [email protected] referring your order number / payment email.

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