Editable field margin and cell border

QuestionsEditable field margin and cell border
Evgeniy Yakovchuk asked 12 years ago

Today I noticed in my grid one thing – when editing some fields with low width, they don't have the right border on edit near right cell border. With fields expanding right border on edit appears.
You can see that in 1 and 4 fields on screen (http://postimage.org/image/ti66qvhhl/).
Is it possible to fix this?
Best regards, Evgeniy.

3 Answers
Evgeniy Yakovchuk answered 12 years ago

Well, it seems to be a JqGrid plugin issue. I saw that in triland demos too, and in version 4.4.4 it still isn't fixed. I reported it on their support forum too, and in the meantime i try to fix it by myself in the jqgrid.js code. Аny help is appreciated^

Abu Ghufran answered 12 years ago

By editing jquery.jqGrid.js, if you search for "98%" you will find 2 occurences.
Change is to 95% or something will show it.
Thats quick fix what i found.

Evgeniy Yakovchuk answered 12 years ago

Yes, your solution helped me! Thank you very much!

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