Empty Grids

QuestionsEmpty Grids
Jake asked 12 years ago

Hello there. I'm having issues with displaying table data in the phpGrids that I have set up. I tried using the FAQ troubleshooting process for this, but I couldn't come to a conclusion of what the error was exactly. It seems as though the database is being connected to as I don't have any database errors and my column names are appearing, just without the row data.

I'm running this on top of WordPress. I tried using the WordPress phpgrid plugin and added the resources to the lib folder, but the grids would not show up when I added the WordPress short code [phpgrid table="mytablename"] to the page.

Any suggestions?

4 Answers
Jake answered 12 years ago

Update: I used the Firebug Net tool to see the AJAX response. It's sending back the entire page instead of valid JSON.

Abu Ghufran answered 12 years ago

It may be due to the wp permalinks. Try disabling.
'page' param is auto removed by wordpress in new version, that is used by phpgrid.

I've resolved it in latest build (licensed). Will be pushing a free version update soon.

Jake answered 12 years ago

This solved my issue on the free version. Thank you so much for the support. For anyone who is interested, I just reset my permaklink structure back to 'Default' under the permaklinks tab in WordPress. I am running WordPress 3.5.1

Alexander answered 9 years ago

Hello all,

it seems I've got exactly the same problem:
– the DB table is not empty but the grid is empty,
– the code is copied from the example,
– the paths are set correctly.

But in my case I do not use WordPress at all but my own very easy PHP/MySQL site, without any permalinks or smth like that.

Do you have any idea what could be wrong?

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