error 500 when count in select

Questionserror 500 when count in select
Wolfgang asked 7 years ago

i’m using the grid for food and ingredients – so i use 2 files. first for ingredients and second for food products with subgrid forlink between those two tables.
to count and show the number of food, where ingredient x is linked to, i use following select for the grid
“SELECT ingredients_ID, name, price,
(SELECT count(fi.food_id) FROM 1_food_ingredients fi WHERE ingredients_id = fi.ingredients_id) AS count
FROM 1_ingredients”;
the grid / select works fine, but as soon as i want to filter for a certain name of the food, i receive error 500. no error shows up, when count-select is deleted!
any idea?

1 Answers
Abu Ghufran Staff answered 7 years ago

I tested similar query here in dev line and it’s working fine. There could be other reasons as well.

  • Make sure your query run on other mysql ide e.g. phpmyadmin
  • Check error log details from apache error log file. usually in /var/log/httpd/log folder OR in windows logs folder where you installed it.
  • You might need version upgrade. In that case please email me your order number or payment email address at [email protected]
Abu Ghufran - Dev Team
Grid 4 PHP Framework
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