Error in first load

QuestionsError in first load
Emerson Camargo asked 6 years ago

Good afternoon,

I did all the installation implementation, I pulled the free version. When I set up my first grid, using my project database, does this error appear? What to do?

Regards, Emerson Camargo

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{\”page\”:1,\”total\”:1,\”records\”:\”5\”,\”rows\”:[{\”idcliente\”:\”1\”,\”nome\”:\”Emerson Amaral Bueno de Camargo\”,\”cpf\”:\”881.196.539\”,\”agencia\”:\”352-2\”,\”conta\”:\”110740-2\”,\”renda\”:\”2000\”,\”margem\”:\”1200\”,\”telefone1\”:\”(44)99138-1777\”,\”telefone2\”:\”(44)3052-

1 Answers
Abu answered 6 years ago


Make sure you call the render() function before any html output. It looks like there is some white space OR new line character on file top causing invalid JSON.

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