error-Please select rows to edit

Questionserror-Please select rows to edit
Jorge Delfin asked 7 years ago

Hello im triyin to use bulk edit to execute a query with the selected rows, however when the functions is called, evethough i selected a row i received a error message indicating that i must select a rowt to edit.

could you give me a hint where to llok at, to solve it?

4 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 7 years ago




fx_bulk_update("remesa",str, -1);

It skips the row selection check.

Jorge answered 7 years ago

Ii solved the issue with the "error-Please select rows to edit", but now im getting this one:

Couldn't execute query. Unknown column 'bulk' in 'field list' – UPDATE mostrador_clientes_direcciones SET `bulk`='remesa',`data`='3' WHERE `ID` IN ('-1')

I found a post with this same issue, i dont know if it was reslved

best regards


Abu Ghufran answered 7 years ago

Please email me your database sql dump to regenerate case.
Email: [email protected]

Jorge answered 7 years ago

IT did work, thanks man


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