Error trying to produce error with free download.

QuestionsError trying to produce error with free download.
Bill Bailey asked 5 years ago

trying to produce first grid with free version. Want to try some before buying. But I get no data. I have turned on debug and get mysql statements that I tested and that work. I also get json data that does not show all the closing charatters.

2 Answers
Bill Bailey answered 5 years ago

I went back in after changing my primary key to be the first field.  Didn’t fix problem, but I did see the entire json string.  It looks okay.  I have accessed beginning items and items in rows; and it all works.  So my error probably does not come from the json string being incomplete.  The json string follows:



Abu Ghufran Staff answered 5 years ago


The first column of grid must have unique alphanumeric data (usually a PK).
This is required for proper display as well as update & delete operations of particular row.
Later, You can also hide that column by setting $col[“hidden”] = true;

Abu Ghufran - Dev Team
Grid 4 PHP Framework
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