error using mssqlserver

Questionserror using mssqlserver
Alejandro Cervantes asked 3 years ago

i have an error with gridphp 2.8

$db_conf = array();
$db_conf[“type”] = “odbc_mssql”;
$db_conf[“server”] = “Driver={SQL Server};Server=;Database=CCCDSSDSDS;”;
$db_conf[“user”] = “sa333”;
$db_conf[“password”] = “CCCC*”;
$db_conf[“database”] = “CCCDSSDSDS”;

when initial loading the page

1 – shows no data only  window error without error text.

2 – on autocomplete if i put this on autocomplete field: JUAN, shows no data only  window error without error text

3 – but if i put  JUAN JOSE on autocomplete field, i works fine.


i can see the problem is with special characters like “á é í ó ñ” etc.  when reading sqlserver data

how can you fix it?










3 Answers
Abu Ghufran Staff answered 3 years ago


I’d recommend to use latest mssql php driver to connect to sql server. It supports utf8 characters in a much better way.


$db_conf = array();
$db_conf["type"] = "mssqlnative";
$db_conf["server"] = ""; // or ip:port
$db_conf["user"] = 'user';
$db_conf["password"] = 'pass';
$db_conf["database"] = "testdb";


$db_conf = array();
$db_conf["type"] = "mssqlnative"; // or mssql
$db_conf["server"] = "(local)\sqlexpress"; // ip:port
$db_conf["user"] = "";
$db_conf["password"] = "";
$db_conf["database"] = "master";

If you are already using odbc+mssql with special characters, Please send me independent code showing odbc connection setting with php and I’ll send you equivalent code for datagrid.

Abu Ghufran - Dev Team
Grid 4 PHP Framework
Abu Ghufran Staff answered 3 years ago


Just wanted to know if this issue is solved?

Abu Ghufran - Dev Team
Grid 4 PHP Framework
Alejandro Cervantes answered 3 years ago

using this driver

$db_conf = array();
$db_conf[“type”] = “odbc_mssql”;
$db_conf[“server”] = “Driver={SQL Server};Server=;Database=CCCDSSDSDS;”;
$db_conf[“user”] = “sa333”;
$db_conf[“password”] = “CCCC*”;
$db_conf[“database”] = “CCCDSSDSDS”;


Problem solved with your help using this.

$opt[“utf8encode”] = true;

thank you.

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