example footer-row.php

Questionsexample footer-row.php
Oliver asked 10 years ago


the demo lacks the function of calculating when the checkbox on the upper left – to check all rows – is checked. To see what I mean, check one or two rows and then check ALL rows by clicking the checkbox to check all checkboxes – just underneath "Footer Row" and always watch the footer row "Total"; the one in the middle. I was unable to find the corresponding js_on_select_(checkall|grid). Is there a list somewhere to search for the possible options?


1 Answers
Oliver answered 10 years ago


Abu send me this answer:
In demos/appearence/footer-row.php, to invoke selectAll event, you can use:

$opt["onSelectAll"] = "function(id,status){ grid_onselect(); }";

This will update the footer summary according to selected rows.

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