excel export

Questionsexcel export
santosh asked 12 years ago

The export feature only works for small tables
When I try to export a table with more number of rows I see this error

Allowed memory size of 67108864 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 1024 bytes) in /home/public_html/grids/lib/inc/jqgrid_dist.php on line 1254

4 Answers
santosh answered 12 years ago

I did some further testing and the problem seems to be with number of fields

table with 10 columns is exported successfully

table with 140 columns fails

Abu Ghufran answered 12 years ago


140 columns is quite big number. Perhaps you also need to increase php memory limit in php.ini
I have also sent you alternate excel export lib to test.

santosh answered 12 years ago

I am seeing the same error even with the new lib. I have emailed you the my current code to export to csv and it seems to work with the same memory (however this is csv not excel)

Abu Ghufran answered 12 years ago


You can still use your export file if you wish. Just connect it on_export event.

$e["on_export"] = array("custom_export", null, false);

function custom_export($param)
$sql = $param["sql"]; // the SQL statement for export
$grid = $param["grid"]; // the complete grid object reference

if ($grid->options["export"]["format"] == "xls")
$_SESSION["phpgrid_sql"] = $sql; // you can use it in your export file
else if ($grid->options["export"]["format"] == "pdf")
// your custom pdf generation code goes here …

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