Excel-Export don't work correct in version 2.2

QuestionsExcel-Export don't work correct in version 2.2
Gerd asked 7 years ago

Hallo Abu,

my Excelexport works not correct. After download the file i can't open the excel-sheet.

I got a filename "my-file.xlsx.xls" and i can't open it with excel.

Please check your demo "http://www.phpgrid.org/demo/demos/export/export-all.php"
the results there are the same.


PS: Please have a look to your homepage there is no menu !!!

Patricia Lawson replied 7 years ago

Can you send the code for that demo?
I am struggling to get downloads to work, especially with iPads and Android at the moment

2 Answers
kriehebauer answered 7 years ago

Hi GeErd,
I also had a problem with the new export-routine. Some exports were ok (xslx), some corrupt. My Problem was, that I had some line feeds after ?>.

After ensuring that my code ends with "?>" the xslx-files could be opened with Excel.


Abu Ghufran answered 7 years ago

Hi Gerd,

I just checked online link and it is opening correctly.
Can you send screenshot and excel version you are using?

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