Excel export Error

QuestionsExcel export Error
Helmut Deichmann asked 3 years ago

Hello Abu,

The excel export option is giving me this error:
“Excel cannot open the file ‘my-file.xlsx’ because the file format or file extension is invalid. Check if the file is corrupt and if the file extension matches the file format.”
It doesn’t matter what I take from the export folder.
I am using the full-Version 2.8.. can you help me?


Thank you

4 Answers
Abu Ghufran Staff answered 3 years ago

I’m unable to generate this issue here and need more details.
Please tell the php version you are using. Have you tried using demo excel export if it’s wokring?

Abu Ghufran - Dev Team
Grid 4 PHP Framework
Helmut Deichmann answered 3 years ago

I am using PHP version 7.4.11.
I have tried all demo excel exports and they all don’t work! However CSV and PDF exports working everywhere.
I tried even your online demos with same code. it’s working. But not on my local machine.

Abu Ghufran Staff answered 3 years ago



Solution 1) Check your php error log for possible missing extension error. PHP Excel library need phpzip and other libraries and you need to enable it in php configuration.

Solution 2) Goto lib/inc/excel folder and rename ‘phpexcel’ folder to ‘_phpexcel’. It will then not use phpexcel and downgradde to alternate legacy library.

Let me know the results.

Abu Ghufran - Dev Team
Grid 4 PHP Framework
Helmut Deichmann answered 3 years ago

An PHP upgrade have solved this issue. Thank you for your support.

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