Export Crashing

QuestionsExport Crashing
Bruce Rick asked 8 years ago

I have a report that is over 14k rows with a bunch of columns. It views fine until you try to do "All", then it crashes. The same problem is happening for the export function, it just gives a HTTP 500 error. If I do a filtered search or select 30 rows at a time it's fine, but with the entire table in the database it just crashes.

I have also tried the $grid["scroll"]=true option but it's not working. I am running version 2. Any help would be appreciated.

1 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 8 years ago


You can try increasing php.ini memory_limit configuration.
500 error means server side error and it's common in export when memory usage hits limit.

You can also use optimized export code, e.g. refer code demos/export/custom-export.php

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