Export function is disabled in read-only mode

QuestionsExport function is disabled in read-only mode
pcatt asked 2 years ago

I’m trying to allow users to export to CSV in read-only mode.  Would seem to make sense that a user should be allowed to export since it is a read-only operation.

When I set the grid option to read-only, using:


$opt[“readonly”] = true;


Users can no longer export.  That is, the export button has disabled.

Is there a way to re-enable exporting in read-only mode?


3 Answers
pcatt answered 2 years ago

I’ve hacked this by editing the lib/inc/jqgrid_dist.php file, on line 1027 which start with:

if (isset($this->options[“readonly”]) && $this->options[“readonly”] === true)


It would be nice if there was an option to do this, though.



Abu Ghufran Staff replied 2 years ago

It’s added in dev line now and will be a part of next build.
Thanks for reporting.

Mike answered 2 years ago

I don’t have this issue. I only set-up add/edit/clone as-necessary.

I don’t use readonly = true in the Grid options, for me it’s not necessary as long as I set the Row-Actions section.

For me, reports are not read/write unless I set these options.

I then use the Read-only setting on a column-by-column basis if I only want some columns to be read/write.




“export_csv”=>true // export csv button


pcatt answered 2 years ago

Yep, that makes sense.  I was hoping to use the global option though.  My hack seems to work for now.


Thanks in any case for your reply.

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