Export is corrupt

QuestionsExport is corrupt
Darcy asked 12 years ago

Hello, whenever I try to export data in excel format, I get a corrupt file. It contains the following. The file is generated and I am able to download it, but I cannot open it in excel.I just get gibberish in the file. Any ideas?

3 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 12 years ago


I would need some more details.

Which ms office version are you using? And If you can email me some sample data (sql dump) then i can regenerate / fix this case.

As an alternate, you can still use CSV export option. It opens it excel as well.

Darcy answered 12 years ago

Actually, I think I may just be doing something wrong. When i set it up to export the CSV file, the only data that got exported was the column names. The grid does use a custom select command, does this mean I have to write a custom export function?

Abu Ghufran answered 12 years ago

No, it should export as it is displayed on grid.
Please email me code at [email protected] for review.

Also, if you can come on gtalk (chat) it would make resolution fast.

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