export limit seems to be hit

Questionsexport limit seems to be hit
Paul Hagerty asked 8 years ago


I Am having problems exporting largeish data

Export works with 30,000 rows, but not 50,000 (there is 10 columns" and its xls

i have the following limits on the server, which i would think we ok

memory_limit 512M
upload_max_filesize 32M
max_execution_time 18000

do i need to do any different ones


4 Answers
NAE answered 8 years ago

I have set the memory in 2GB and is fail, too.

if u look in task manager you will see that the php-cgi is get arround 2GB of memory is crashing.

NAE answered 8 years ago


I solved this issue.

The steps:

1. change php memory limit.
2. change execution time
3. change iis/apache execution time
4. change Excel PHP framework from grid because is obsolete.
5. change php to 64bits if you are in windows because 32bits version use only 2GB.

now I can download excel with more than 150.000 lines. I take a while to generate it, like half hour.

Abu Ghufran answered 8 years ago

Thanks for sharing.

Btw, what exactly do you mean by 'change Excel PHP framework from grid'?
What alternate did you used?

NAE answered 8 years ago

I use the same one but I update it from gitHub. the version that u have there is from 2011.

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