export option not working

Questionsexport option not working
Ananda Theerthan asked 9 years ago

Hi Abu,
the excel export option is giving me error "include_once(excel/php-export-data.class.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory ". I do not find excel directory in the phpgrid folder that I received.

5 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 9 years ago

Ok, thats new build compatibility issue.
I'd advice to create a folder "excel" inside lib folder.

And move lib/php-export-data.class.php file inside excel new folder.

Ananda Theerthan answered 9 years ago

Thanks, guess it should be within INC folder not lib.

Abu Ghufran answered 9 years ago

Yes, my mistake.

Create a folder "excel" inside lib/inc folder.
And move lib/inc/php-export-data.class.php file to lib/inc/excel folder.

Ananda Theerthan answered 9 years ago

Also I get "502 Bad Gateway" error when trying to filter few records and export them.

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