Export to excel both the Master and Detail info

QuestionsExport to excel both the Master and Detail info
Christian Ramirez asked 9 years ago

Hi there,

I'd like to export the info regarding the selected row in the master section and also all the rows in the detail section, is there any way to do this?

Thank you.

13 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 9 years ago

Hello Ramirez,

This is currently not supported via phpgrid.
We're adding it in todos.

Christian Ramirez answered 9 years ago

Thank you Abu for your quick response, I'm a paid member by the way ([email protected])

I solved it now, I used the custom export method and from there I inserted only the selected Master row and then an inserted the whole detail afterwards.

Thanks 🙂

Abu Ghufran answered 9 years ago

Glad to know custom export worked for you

Wolfgang answered 9 years ago

Dear Christian,

would you mind to show/send me a sample of your code?

would use it for my food database and have to show the ingredients for each row (detail) on the export

Ruby answered 9 years ago

Sir, I can't see your sample code through http://www.phpgrid.org/demo/demos/export/export-pdf-html.phps, page not found. Would you fix it?

Abu Ghufran answered 9 years ago


Thanks for reporting. It's fixed now.

Wolfgang answered 9 years ago

Thank you Abu, but it would be awesome to see the sample of Christian, with details included in the pdf.

or can you tell me, how to insert a sql select in the pdf rendering

Abu Ghufran answered 9 years ago

I've prepared a demo of exporting detail grid. Open the demo and Click on export for preview.
It uses custom pdf export code using html renderer, so it may take time & memory for big dataset.

Live: http://www.phpgrid.org/demo/demos/export/export-detail.php
Code: http://www.phpgrid.org/demo/demos/export/export-detail.phps

Wolfgang answered 9 years ago

thank you so much!!

Abu Ghufran answered 9 years ago

Thanks Christian for you time.

Christian Ramirez answered 9 years ago

Sorry for the delay.

Here are the linksfor the custom export the selected master and its details:

1.-Preview of the Master-Detail page (http://www.kanul.com/ads/tmp/masterdetail_export.txt)
2.-Source (http://www.kanul.com/ads/tmp/MasterDetailExport_Sample.docx)

I hope this helps.

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