Exporting Selective Rows

QuestionsExporting Selective Rows
Greg asked 10 years ago


I've seen a couple of answers re: the export of selective rows.

Is this available in the current build that is available?

Also, when exporting, I am using the following code and regardless of whether I use Excel or CSV, it does not download the file and instead redirects me to a new tab?

Thank you – Greg.

3 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 10 years ago

Yes, this function is supported in v1.5.2 build 20150215 +

I am unable to generate the second issue. I'll review and share if found some solution.

Greg answered 10 years ago

Thanks Abu – I recently bought Premium in August and I don't see any code examples for using Export Selected (I presume this included in the version I have).

If you could redirect me to where the proper code sample is, that would be great.

Thank you – Greg.

Abu Ghufran answered 10 years ago


Code sample: http://phpgrid.org/demo/demos/export/export-selected.phps
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