file upload in form add not work

Questionsfile upload in form add not work
andyvill asked 6 years ago

Dear Abu:

i try to updoad a file in yours examples, using /demos/editing/file-upload.php?form=add, (without modifications) but not work (the text in the field is (Uploading…))

i try to change the path of folder to absolute, an other changes, but cant upload the file using ?form=add,.

when pressing the add buton in the grid (whitout ?form=add ) the option of upload a file works normally.

this problem occurs in single and multiple uploads.

i need you support.

sorry for  my bad english.







2 Answers
Abu Ghufran Staff answered 6 years ago

I’ve regenerated this issue and will be updating back after fix.

Abu Ghufran - Dev Team
Grid 4 PHP Framework
Abu answered 6 years ago

This issue is resolved now. If you wish you can get update via email request.

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