File upload with oracle error

QuestionsFile upload with oracle error
Samsun asked 10 years ago


I have grid with upload file. With the same code if use mysql is no prblem. But if use oracle the upload function not success.
May have advise for me?

Regards, Samsun.

2 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 10 years ago

It only stores filename in database tables that is plain string (no upload process in it)
Upload process is same irrespective of any database and it is done on PHP side.

Please confirm if there is some JS error in debug console F12.
Send screenshot if any.

Abu Ghufran answered 10 years ago

In screenshot, i can see a warning. So first way is to disable the warnings in php,ini.

Second, edit the jqgrid_dist.php and find "mkdir" and put if file_exists condition above it.


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