filter date field for null values

Questionsfilter date field for null values
santosh asked 7 years ago

how do I advanced filter date field for null values
Currently the value field shows a date picker by default

2 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 7 years ago


You need to modify lib/inc/jqgrid_dist.php and allow null search operator for datepicker.

Replace (2 occurrences):
$cols[$i]["searchoptions"]["sopt"] = array("eq","ne","gt","ge","lt","le");

$cols[$i]["searchoptions"]["sopt"] = array("eq","ne","gt","ge","lt","le","nu","nn");

This will add 'is null' and 'is not null' as search operator.

– I've also added it in dev line, so no need to worry about future version update.
– Also your technical support subscription is expired. Consider renew options for latest build:

santosh answered 7 years ago

Thanks, that worked

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