Filter fields at the top of my grid are cut in half in windows browsers

QuestionsFilter fields at the top of my grid are cut in half in windows browsers
Don Mangold asked 10 years ago

Is there a style setting or grid setting to set the font size or filter field hight so these fields are not cut off. It only happens in windows.


4 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 10 years ago

Please share the screenshot of the issue. It should be doable with a css style override.
You can inspect the TR or filters TD height and override the css class style definition.

Don Mangold answered 10 years ago

Not sure how to share the screen shot. Should I email it to you. I can paste it in this answer section.

Abu Ghufran answered 10 years ago

You need to add twitter bootstrap css file.
demos/appr/twitter-bootstrap.php for reference.

Don Mangold answered 10 years ago

That was it. Thanks

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