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Chris asked 7 years ago

I would like to exclude some results always. In SQL I would just add “WHERE column != value”, but I cant do this here.
How would I go about doing this? These results should ALWAYS be excluded no matter the search a user runs.

Chris replied 7 years ago

Following on from this, it would be handy to understand if it is possible to have a way to use a session (so a login system sitting in front of this) that when someone logs in, they can see a further filtered list.

e.g. User1 logs in and only sees results where the User column equals “User1”

1 Answers
Abu Ghufran Staff answered 7 years ago

You can specify select_command (sql statement) and put WHERE clause in it. It will always remain in effect along with other grid filters. e.g.

$g->select_command = “SELECT, invdate ,,
i.note,, i.closed FROM invheader i
INNER JOIN clients c ON c.client_id = i.client_id WHERE c.gender = ‘male'”;

You can use session variable in sql query in same way. e.g.

$g->select_command = “SELECT, invdate, i.note,, i.closed FROM invheader i
WHERE i.client_id = “.intval($_SESSION[“uid”]);

Abu Ghufran - Dev Team
Grid 4 PHP Framework
Chris replied 7 years ago

Thanks for the help, I am so annoyed that I did try just this earlier but it didnt work for me.

Thanks again for the support

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