Filter with 2 databases

QuestionsFilter with 2 databases
Robby asked 11 years ago

Hi friends,

I have a problem with a grid.
I did one with SQL request to MySQL.
The query is:
"SELECT c.Customer, c.Name, c.Adress_1, c.Adress_2, c.Zip_Code, c.City, …, COUNT(*) as Nombre FROM db_access i LEFT JOIN db_customer c ON i.Customer = c.Customer GROUP BY i.Customer"

In the top of my grid, I put filters.
It works find with all of them, but if I when to filter on Customer, I have an error message about "Couldn't execute query. Column 'Customer' in where clause is ambiguous"

If I change my query to:
"SELECT c.Customer as Customer, c.Name, c.Adress_1, c.Adress_2, c.Zip_Code, c.City, …, COUNT(*) as Nombre FROM db_access i LEFT JOIN db_customer c ON i.Customer = c.Customer GROUP BY i.Customer"

The problem still the same.

If I put:
"SELECT c.Customer as MyCustomer, c.Name, c.Adress_1, c.Adress_2, c.Zip_Code, c.City, …, COUNT(*) as Nombre FROM db_access i LEFT JOIN db_customer c ON i.Customer = c.Customer GROUP BY i.Customer"
In this case the message says that MyCustomer doesn't exist in my database.

Does someone could help me?



3 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 11 years ago

You have to use dbname with column setting.

$col["dbname"] = "c.Customer";

Robby answered 11 years ago

Hi Abu,

Thanks a lot.
It works very nice.



Scultetus answered 9 years ago

Thank you Abu,

This help me too.


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