Footer Row

QuestionsFooter Row
Azhar Abdallah asked 8 years ago

Dear Abu Ghufran,

Please note that I'm using select2 function with footer row on master grid. The grid contains invoice details (Client, Total Invoice, Total Payment and Balance).

The footer row sum all invoices amounts, payments and balance). I use a dropdown select to filter data.

My question is there any solution to change the footer row values based on my selection as I don't want to use the same method in the demo "footer-row.php".

Hope to receive your reply.

Thank you in advance.


1 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 8 years ago

By default, when ever a grid is refreshed, the footer summary is calculated again as it is connected on loadComplete event.

$e["js_on_load_complete"] = "grid_onload";

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