Footer sumary not working

QuestionsFooter sumary not working
Thomas Hofmann asked 9 years ago

Hi together,

I have already finished a grid with time calculation. everything's working fine. Now I try to Display a total sum of one col in the footer.

my code is like this:

$g->select_command = "
SELECT, ENT_Zeit.sachbearbeiter_id,
ENT_Zeit.bericht_id, ENT_Zeit.datum,
ENT_Zeit.von, ENT_Zeit.bis,
(SELECT sum(zeit) from ENT_Zeit) as zeit_gesamt
where bericht_id = '" . $var_id . "'";
$g->table = "ENT_Zeit";

>> this SQL Statement works fine. I want to get a sumary of the calculated COL "zeit". I have added an SQL Statement für building a total sumary in SQL "zeit_gesamt"

>> then I added this code
$e["js_on_load_complete"] = "grid_onload";

function grid_onload()
var grid = $("hpcBerichtZeit"),
sum = grid.jqGrid('getCol', 'zeit_gesamt');
grid.jqGrid('footerData','set', {total: 'Summe: '+sum[0]});


>> No Data is Displayed in Footer. If I use "$grid->set_events($e);", as it is written in all Demos, the Website is unable to load.

thank you for any notice

1 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 9 years ago

Hello Thomas,

Please share you full code for review.
You can post code at and share the link OR email me at [email protected]

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