Format number

QuestionsFormat number
Robby asked 11 years ago

Dear Sir,

I have a field with date like this : yyyymmdd (20140101)
I want to display it as : dd/mm/yyyy.

All tests I did with dat format doesn't work.

Could you tell me how can I do it?



7 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 11 years ago


In sql query, you can use format_date function, to make it standard mysql date format. And then use grid date formatter.


SELECT f1, f2, f3, date_format(str_to_date(mydate, '%Y%m%d'),'%Y-%m-%d') FROM table

Also check …

Robby answered 11 years ago

Hi Abu,

I tried your solution and it works.
My command is:
SELECT *, date_format(Date_Inscription, '%d-%m-%Y') FROM MyTable";

In html file, I put:
$col = array();
$col["title"] = "Date";
$col["name"] = "date_format(Date_Inscription, '%d-%m-%Y')";
$col["width"] = "60";
$col["hidden"]= true;
$cols[] = $col;

In the grid, I have the date as I want (dd-mm-yyyy).
This is ok.
But I'm using the "showhidecolumns" option.

When I want to add or remove columns, I have an error message :
"Error: Syntax error, unrecognized expression: #col_date_format(Date_Inscription, '%d-%m-%Y')"

I don't know why?
Do you know how can I solve my problem?

The second thing.
I put :
$grid["width"] = 1000;

When I load my html page my grid takes the right size (1000).
But when I add columns, the grid increase without any limite.
Do you know how can I force my grid to still width=1000?

Thanks for your help.



Abu Ghufran answered 11 years ago


1) You can alias that field in sql to a simple name.

SELECT *, date_format(Date_Inscription, '%d-%m-%Y') as mydate FROM MyTable";

$col["name"] = "mydate";
$col["dbname"] = "date_format(Date_Inscription, '%d-%m-%Y')";

2) Try setting

$grid["autofilter"] = false;
$grid["width"] = 1000;

Robby answered 11 years ago

Hi Abu,

Thanks for your solutions (date_format(..)..).
It works very well.

Concernint grid size, the 2 parameters you tell me was the one I use :
$grid["autofilter"] = false;
$grid["width"] = 1000;

But, it seems 1000 is the minimum.
If I remove columns, grid still at 1000 but if I add some grid increase.

Do you have any idea about where I'm wrong?



Abu Ghufran answered 11 years ago

Please review this:

Pasting from docs.

If set to true, and resizing the width of a column, the adjacent column (to the right) will resize so that the overall grid width is maintained (e.g., reducing the width of column 2 by 30px will increase the size of column 3 by 30px). In this case there is no horizontal scrolbar. Note: this option is not compatible with shrinkToFit option – i.e if shrinkToFit is set to false, forceFit is ignored.

$grid["forceFit"] = true;

Robby answered 11 years ago

Hi Abu,

I made the modification but it still doesn't work.
If I add columns, grid increase till become begger than screen.

I do not understand what I'm doing wrong.



Abu Ghufran answered 11 years ago

Please email me complete for review, along with db sql dump. ([email protected])
I'll review and regenerate this case.

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