Frozen Column default state

QuestionsFrozen Column default state
Abed asked 11 years ago


Thank you for the great job you have done with the grid. I am more interested everyday.

I have added frozen column to my grid. There are some options that I looking for:

1. When the page is loaded the first column is frozen, and by clicking on Freeze button in the footer it defreezes. Is there any way to set default to not to freeze the column and then when clicking on the button it freezes.

2. When freezing the column and trying inline edit/add the height of the frozen column doesn't change with the size of other field. Is there any solution for this issue too?

Thank you.

1 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 11 years ago


I just emailed you a demo that addresses both points.
first is handled using css addition, and second using js.

/* fix for freeze column div position */
.ui-jqgrid .editable {margin: 0px;}

jQuery('div.frozen-div, div.frozen-bdiv').toggle();

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