Full feature version

QuestionsFull feature version
Rainer asked 10 years ago


searching for a grid plugin for my latest db project
I found yours and bought the full version.

But I am very confused 🙁

1. I have one master table with dependencies to other sub-table. In the master table there are several primary keys of the sub tables. How can I combine this
and how can I manage updating?

2. I need a FULL VIEW version but not several island solutions. I want to view, edit, add and also EXPORT data from my database on one single page. Unfortunately I didn't have found any example for this FULL VIEW…

Thanks for your help.

1 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 10 years ago


1) Using add/update/delete in table that have composite keys need some manual coding.

In your SELECT statement (select_command), you may try to select a first column as special concat value that is based on composite keys. This will handle the listings. For insert/update/delete, you will need to use custom events on_update/on_insert/on_delete to parse the new concat field and perform desired operation. Refer demos/editing/custom-events.php for help.

Steps & Code: http://pastebin.com/QwGNqpCX

2) Set following to true, to enable all functions.

"autofilter" => true,
"search" => "simple",
"inlineadd" => true,
"showhidecolumns" => true

All options will be enabled by this.

Sorry for the delay.

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