Function that will Send an Email and update a MSSL table on update

QuestionsFunction that will Send an Email and update a MSSL table on update
Rheal asked 9 years ago

Hopping that this will help someone who may want to Send a Email when updating a record and or wanting to use a custom Update Query to update a SQL table at the same time.

Please feel free to make any updates to the Code or corrections.

First off, I found that when you use a function it does not use your SQL connection information from your config file.
I think there is a way to get around this with GLOBALS, but I cheated and included my connection String with in the function. 🙂

To start you need to add the following just above the $g->table = "Your Table Name";
May not have to be exactly there, but it works for me.

$e["on_update"] = array("update_request", null, false);

As for the function I put it at the top of my PHP page just so I didn't have to do much scrolling when editing it. You can place your function anywhere between the PHP Tags.

function update_request($data)
//Database connection information.
//Because you are running a SQL query within a Function, The values for your connection //string wont be pulled from your Config.php file.
//I am sure there is a way around this, but I was fighting with this script long enough and //oped to cheat a bit.

$serverName = "SERVER IP";

$connectionInfo = array("UID" => $usr, "PWD" => $pwd, "Database" => $db);
$conn2 = sqlsrv_connect($serverName, $connectionInfo);

//Variable needed for the PHP mail function

$to = "EMAIL ADDRESS HERE"; // this is the Email address you are sending this out too
$from = "WHO FROM EMAIL ADDRESS";//$_POST['email']; // this is the sender's Email address

//Below are the values from your PHPGrid Update form
// Of course your $data value names will be different from mine
//and also you Variable names.

$request_ID = $data["params"]["Request_ID"];
$begins = $data["params"]["Request_Approved"];
$location = $data["params"]["fk_Approved_Location"];
$instructor = $data["params"]["Prime_Instructor1"];
$instructor2 = $data["params"]["Second_Instructor1"];
$student = $data["params"]["StuName"];
$stuemail = $data["params"]["email_Address"];
$dennied_date = $data["params"]["Request_Denied"];
$notes = $data["params"]["Req_Notes"];

//I am sending these values in HTML format within the Body of my email
// so the message below is the BODY of the email. Format this as you want.
$message = "
<title>TRWEB Approval/Dennied</title>
Request Information: nn<br /><br />
Request_ID: $request_IDnn<br />
Student: $student nn<br />
<br />
Location Information: nn<br /><br />
Approved Location: $location nn<br />
<br />
Date Information: nn<br /><br />
Approved_Date: $begins nn<br />
Dennied_Date: $dennied_date nn<br />
Notes: $notes nn<br />
<br />
Inst1_ID: $instructor nn<br />
Inst2_ID: $instructor2 nn<br />
Student_Email: $stuemail nn

//If you have any date values within your update form, you will need to use the code below
//to convert the dates to something the MSSQL Server will understand.
//I have 2 Date fields in my grid Update Form.

if(($begins =='NULL')){
$begins = 'NULL';
}else{$begins = "CONVERT(DATETIME, '".$begins."')";}

if(($dennied_date =='NULL')){
$dennied_date = 'NULL';
}else{$dennied_date = "CONVERT(DATETIME, '".$dennied_date."')";}

// This is the PHPMail code what actually sends out the email you created above.

$headers = 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "rn";
$headers .= 'Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1' . "rn";
$headers .= "From:" . $from;

//This section is where you can update a SQL table.

$query2 = "UPDATE dbo.[Request] SET
Request_Approved = ".$begins.",
Request_Denied = ".$dennied_date.",
fk_Approved_Location = '".$location."',
Req_Notes = '".$notes."'
WHERE (Request_ID = '".$request_ID."')";

$result = sqlsrv_query( $conn2, $query2);
if( $result === false ) {
die( print_r( sqlsrv_errors(), true)



I hope that this can help you with mail when you Update a Colum from your PHP Grid.

1 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 9 years ago

Thanks for sharing

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