
Peter asked 10 years ago

Hi Abu
I have noticed that when users have a problem sometimes you say you will email them the problem. We may have simalar problems but we cant see the reply because you email the user secretly the answer. we need to see the answer please 'SHARE WITH ALL OF US PLEASE'I am a paid user. thanks Pete

4 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 10 years ago


Yes, this is known issue of past.
Now on, we'll be sharing a code link along with reply so that answer is available for all developers.


Peter answered 10 years ago

Thanks Abu for the quick response.

Peter answered 10 years ago

Hi Abu
How does pastebin work ????

Abu Ghufran answered 10 years ago

We just paste the code there,so that others can view it.
Next action would be to make a copy of existing demo and paste code there.
Then run it in browser OR using demo browser app.

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