Hi Abu!
I need to get filter data to using with my jquery code. For example, I want to show modal window with data from filter column of grid. How can I do that?
To get all ids
var ids = $('#list1').jqGrid('getDataIDs');
You can iterate thru these ids, and call getRowdata to get data.
var row = $('#list1').getRowData(id);
Sample row data output is:
{invid:"1", invdate:"2007-10-01", note:"note", amount:"200.00", tax:"10.00", total:"210.00"};
To get all data in 2d array, call getRowData without param.
var rows = $('#list1').getRowData(id);
I need to get FILTER data, user inputed, not ids or another info. Actually, I need something like var selFilter = jQuery('#list1').jqGrid('getGridParam','filters');
Is it possible? How to get filter data?