I have displayed 5000 records with load data array and its working fine But when i try to display 6000 records so it could not display PHPGRID so if any setting require for more records display on grid. if yes so give me guidon same.
The array based grid loads all data in javascript array (client side).
On large dataset, the limitation is usually on client side browser rendering and memory consumption.
Try opening in different browser / machine to test.
Thanks for given reply.
I have set memory limit on server side. But now i want to display 40000 records with 220 column. I have set the limit of $grid["rowNum"] = 1000; but 40000 records could not be display and it has been loading page and not render records on that page.
But when i set 2000 records so records were display on the page. So what happen i can not understand. Can you please suggest me?
In load array case, the problem is on client side browser rendering and memory, not server side.
Grid is basically an html table, and if you use <table> </table with many rows, it will stuck the browser.
The issue is with rendering 1000 rows of table.
You need to limit rows, by setting:
$grid["rowNum"] = 100;
and with that set:
$grid["scroll"] = true;
This will auto load more rows when you scroll down the
I have checked as per your suggestion. I have changed $grid["rowNum"] = 100; instead of $grid["rowNum"] = 1000; and also set the attribute of $grid["scroll"] = true;. In additional, i have set the write code in my php file 1) set_time_limit(0); 2) ini_set('memory_limit','5120M');
Then after, I have run the grid with 6000 or 40000 records so I could not see the PHPGRID with data. When i run the PHPGRID with 2000 records so it can not be display. Kindly give strong solution on same.
I have made a working demo with array of 50,000. Please test it with your data.
Code: http://phpgrid.org/demo/demos/loading/load-big-array.php
Live: http://phpgrid.org/demo/demos/loading/load-big-array.phps