Getting started problem

QuestionsGetting started problem
muuucho asked 11 years ago

I try to get the first sample in the Doc running.
I get an empty styled table with an Error popup in wich all the table data appears in a type of array.

4 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 11 years ago

Make sure, you call '$g->render();' function before any HTML is rendered (echo'd) to screen.
As it expect exact JSON format for ajax calls

muuucho answered 11 years ago

I managed to install the scripts and the database, but my OOP knowledge is poor. Thanks for helping me out!

Now I've moved the PHP code up first in the script, and just echo $out down in the HTML part.

Abu Ghufran answered 11 years ago

It should work after that. Let me know in case of any further query.

muuucho answered 11 years ago

It works, thanks!

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