Hello, I am Morganti of EMMECI software teramo (ITALY).
My email of registration is emidio.morganti@alice.it
we downloaded and installed the latest version of the software (free version).
We are in the testing phase, we will update the version shortly that we bought several years ago, in the PREMIUM LICENSE version
We loaded the db on a MYSQL DataBase and configured the config.php file
define (“PHPGRID_DBTYPE”, “mysqli”);
define (“PHPGRID_DBHOST”, “localhost”);
define (“PHPGRID_DBUSER”, “root”);
define (“PHPGRID_DBPASS”, “Emmeci01”);
This way everything works perfectly.
We loaded the db on an ORACLE 12C DataBase and configured the config.php file
define (“PHPGRID_DBTYPE”, “oci8”);
define (“PHPGRID_DBHOST”, “testpc”);
define (“PHPGRID_DBUSER”, “SYS”);
define (“PHPGRID_DBPASS”, “********”);
So it doesn’t work, we have the following error :
Please check your database connection configuration. ORA-12514: TNS: listener does not currently know of service requested in connect descriptor
Did we do something wrong?
A LISTENER must be configured on the configuration file.
Or the free version does not include ORACLE.
Thank you
Emidio Morganti
Hi Morganti,
It’s nice to see your email. The free version do support oracle and your code looks file. We tried with giving IP:PORT as PHPGRID_DBHOST.
Please test PHP connection with Oracle using (non-datagrid) basic php script. If this basic connection works, Share the connection code with me and I’ll suggest the equivalent.