grid data source as php array filter column(select) user_id by email

Questionsgrid data source as php array filter column(select) user_id by email
Milos asked 2 years ago

Hello im user of pro version

im using gridphp with mongo database, from mongo database i get php array and i set data source as php array all works fine except i cant filter column user_id by email ( by text search eg “n”) i can use drop down values but wish to have option to filter by part of the email as string. It seems that option is only feasible with real database connection.


$col = [];
 $col["title"] = "Client";
 $col["name"] = "user_id";
 $col["dbname"] = "email"; // this is required as we need to search in name field, not id
 $col["width"] = "100";
 $col["align"] = "left";
 $col["search"] = true;
 $col["editable"] = true;
 $col["export"] = false; // not for export
 $col["edittype"] = "select"; // render as select

     "value" => ":;".implode(";",$users_list),
     "separator" => ":",
     "delimiter" => ";",
     "value" => ":;".implode(";",$users_list),
     "separator" => ":",
     "delimiter" => ";",
// $col["editrules"] = array("required"=>true);
 $col["formatter"] = "select"; // display label, not value
 $cols[] = $col;

$g->table = $data; // blank array(); will show no records

//data array has items


Non working with text search

Working with select dropdown


2 Answers
milos answered 2 years ago

I forget to wrote that $user_list[]=\\\”] kas key:value shema as requested

Abu Ghufran Staff answered 2 years ago

If you don’t wish to use select dropdown in filter, you can change the key:value pair to use as email:email instead of id:email.

Change to This will enable text searching.

Abu Ghufran - Dev Team
Grid 4 PHP Framework
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