Grid fail to load 10000 records

QuestionsGrid fail to load 10000 records
Ankur Garg asked 11 years ago


I am facing a problem while displaying the record in grid. This grid failed to load the 10000 or more then 10000 records. A pop up is displayed and sayes 'Error'. After checking this by Network Debuger, i found the following problem

"NetworkError: 500 Internal Server Error – http://localhost/other/phpgrid1/demos/appearence/twitter-bootstrap.php?themeid=14&grid_id=list1&_search=false&nd=1405417255692&rows=10000&jqgrid_page=1&sidx=1&sord=asc"

How to resolve this issue. Please help

1 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 11 years ago

Try increasing your memory_limit in php.ini configuration.
500 means server error, and if it working on less records it won't be application error. It is perhaps due to server config.

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