Grid is very slow to load

QuestionsGrid is very slow to load
Greg asked 5 years ago


I have a grid that loads 1000 records immediately instead of doing the paging.  The grid has some grouping in it, but right now takes approximately 20 – 30s to load.

Is there any way to load the data asynchronously or by group to the grid?

It’s not a lot of data but it seems to cache it all before releasing it to the screen.

Thanks – Greg.

1 Answers
Abu Ghufran Staff answered 5 years ago


I verified similar scenario with 830 records, demo orders database that ships with package.

It is taking 4-5 sec to load all without paging. Are you doing some row formatting operations? Try disabling it and recheck. Numbers of columns may also impact. I tested with 14 columns table and grouping with no paging.

Share you code + database for review. You can email at [email protected]

Abu Ghufran - Dev Team
Grid 4 PHP Framework
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