I have been working awhile now attempting to display my mysql database table. I can load the grid but all I get is a popup error message containing all of my table information. But nothing in the grid. I can use the add button and sure enough the table gets the new data inserted, but then the popup error shows again with all of the table data in it.
I am sure I am doing something very basic wrong, but cannot seem to figure it out.
Checkout the FAQ query #1. Point (1) looks to be your case.
##### Q) How to debug no records (blank grid)?
Few considerations before use
1) include the jqgrid_dist.php file before any thing rendered to output.
2) Check the ajax response of grid,
Use firefox->firebug->net->ajax-call of grid->response. You will see the output there, in case of any error. It should be proper JSON format data in order to render grid
Review this tutorial for '[debugging with firebug](https://phpgrid.desk.com/customer/portal/articles/926266)'.
To enable debugging errors,
1) Turn errors on. Goto jqgrid_dist.php make it 'on'
ini_set("display_errors","on"); // changed from off to on
2) If you are using non-mysql database, Goto file jqgrid_dist.php
$g = new jqgrid($db);
$g->con->debug = 1; // changed from 0 to 1