Grid Not Displaying

QuestionsGrid Not Displaying
Azijur Rahaman asked 7 years ago

My Grid Not Displaying but only the footer note is displaying.

Here is my code-"

require_once(APPPATH. 'libraries/phpGrid_Lite/conf.php');
$data['phpgrid'] = new C_DataGrid("SELECT * FROM tbl_division", "fld_uid", "tbl_division"); //$this->ci_phpgrid->example_method(3);
$this->load->view('welcome_message', $data);


–"You are using phpGrid Lite. Please consider upgrading phpGrid to the full version to have great features including edit, master detail, and grouping, composite key, file upload, and premium themes!"

I checked the console and found many error for css and js that saying 403 forbidden error. Is there any solution?

1 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 7 years ago


We don't support this class/api. (C_DataGrid)
You can download our version of grid from

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