Grid not showing

QuestionsGrid not showing
Sanchit asked 11 years ago

i am going to use phpGrid for my simple master module, all is going right until i use it in my template,
when i am going to use phpGrid on my template which is support by Bootstrap it's not showing the grid but data..

only json code is shows in such format..

what's the matter?
please help me.

2 Answers
Sanchit answered 11 years ago

even i don't have any html code printed before $grid->render() function call

Abu Ghufran answered 11 years ago

It looks like you are using free version and 'page' variable in querystring.
If this is the case, you can rename the variable at phpgrid level using following code.

$opt["prmNames"] = array("page"=>"jqgrid_page");


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