Grid Refresh Issue (Bug?)

QuestionsGrid Refresh Issue (Bug?)
Bill asked 12 years ago

I have a problem with refreshing the grid contents under certain conditions. Here is what is happening:

1. Grid has both scrollbars visible. A row near the bottom of the list is highlighted. In other words, the initial display of the grid contents does not show the row in question — I have to scroll down in order to see and select the row.

2. The row is updated (or a new row is added) using the update (or add) form.

3. When the save button is clicked on the form, the changes are saved as expected, but the contents of the grid disappear.

4. Clicking any column heading will cause the grid contents to re-appear, but clicking the grid refresh button does NOT work.

Is there a work-around solution for this problem? Can it be fixed in the next release?


2 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 12 years ago

Bill, Can you send me phpgrid code file at [email protected]
I unable to reproduce this effect.


Abu Ghufran answered 12 years ago

Hi Bill,

After little diagnosis, it looks to be an issue with dynamic scrolling. Way around is, If we turn it false, it's reloading.
I've tested it on chrome, which was not working before. I am also marking it as an issue.

'width' => 900, 'height' => 200, 'rowNum' => 9999,
'caption' => 'Authorized Users', 'hidegrid' => false,
'multiselect' => true, 'cellEdit' => false,
'autowidth' => true, 'scroll' => false,
'forceFit' => false, 'shrinkToFit' => false,
'add_options' => array('width'=>'600'), 'edit_options' => array('width'=>'600')

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