Is there a way to disable resizing? I don't want the user to resize the grid or any of its rows or columns.
To disable resizing overall grid … goto jqgrid_dist.php and remove this line.
jQuery("#<?php echo $grid_id?>").jqGrid('gridResize',{});
To stop column resize, there is no option in current release.
This solved the main part of my problem (the grid is in a form, so its overall size must not be adjustable). In this case, column resizing is NOT a major issue, as long as the overall grid size is frozen. Thanks for your helpful and speedy response.
That works great…thanks again, Abu. This column attribute does not appear to be in the documentation, so I would like to suggest that it be added to the next revision.
Hassan, you need to set resizable to false along with other column properties. Check example-all.php for more help.
$col["resizable"] = false;