grid specified height doesn't work

Questionsgrid specified height doesn't work
Cristian Engelmann asked 2 years ago

Hi Abu,


I have another problem is the height of the grid.

The new version does not honor the grid specified height.



$opt = array();

$opt[“caption”] = “Ordenes de Compras seleccionadas”;

$opt[“sortname”] = ‘n_ordencompra’;

$opt[“sortorder”] = “asc”;

$opt[“width”] = “573”;

$opt[“height”] = “123”;

$opt[“rowNum”] = 40;

$opt[“altRows”] = true;

I sent you the images to email.

Please help me again

2 Answers
Abu Ghufran Staff answered 2 years ago

The minimum height is set to 200px. You can override it by setting onpage css style after the inclusion of css files.

.ui-jqgrid .ui-jqgrid-bdiv{min-height:100px}

Abu Ghufran - Dev Team
Grid 4 PHP Framework
Cristian Engelmann answered 2 years ago

Hi Abu,

It’s working

Thank you very much!!

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