Grids in Tabs

QuestionsGrids in Tabs
Alex asked 12 years ago

Hello Abu,

i created 3 Grids for 3 Tabs (one per Tabpage). But only the grid on the first tab page is displayed correctly. Grid 2 and 3 have the wrong width. AutoSize an ShrinktoFit are not working as expected for grid 2 and 3.

If I place grid 2 OR 3 on the first page these grids are displayed correctly. Always the background grids do have a wrong width.

Best wishes, Alex

3 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 12 years ago

You can try using fixed width of all grids using

$opt["width"] = "780"; // for e.g.

Perhaps, it is conflicting with tab's lib. If you wish, you can send me the code for review OR send me online link.

Alex answered 12 years ago

With the fixed width it's working fine. But i need/want the "autowidth" feature somehow.

Testset linked mailed.

Best wishes, Alex

Abu Ghufran answered 12 years ago

The autowidth works with defined parent container width, which is perhaps not set on background tab.
Please try setting some fix width of container tab to make it functional. If it set on runtime, there may be no other option except to set grid width accordingly.

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