
Lynn Lollar asked 11 years ago

I'm an needing a way to change the grouptext label to something like:

Bartenders 6 – 3 Item(s)

Changing text color would also be nice.


3 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 11 years ago

Group text label is supported in following format.

// {0} is grouped value, {1} is count in group
$grid["groupingView"]["groupText"] = array("<b>{0} – {1} Item(s)</b>");

You can set text color using css (thanks for firebug css inspector)

.jqgroup b {
color: #FF0000;

Abu Ghufran answered 11 years ago

Only {0} and {1} is supported for now in core lib (jqGrid)

groupText – Defines the grouping header text for the group level that will be displayed in the grid. By default if defined the value if {0} which means that the group value name will be displayed. It is possible to specify another value {1} which meant the the total cont of this group will be displayed too. It is possible to set here any valid html content.

Lynn Lollar answered 11 years ago

Thanks for the reply, but it doesn't quite answer my question.

I need to know how you arrive at {0} and/or how can I reference other information pertaining to a different row. For instance, the row just below the group heading. Or add a sql select within that command. I need to add the QTY of bartenders I need which is in another table.

Thanks again.

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