Header Wrap and Links

QuestionsHeader Wrap and Links
David asked 11 years ago


I have 3 questions :-

1) How can I wrap the column headers

for example "Statement number" to be shown as

2) Show the URL as link

Show clickable yahoo as a link for http://www.yahoo.com

3) How can I make it automatically resize based on the each column header size.

Thank you.


3 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 11 years ago

1) You can use <br> in $col["title"] … for e.g.
$col["title"] = "Statement<br>Number";

2) If you column 'web_url' contains url, then you can use 'default' property in that column
$col["default"] = "<a href='{web_url}'>{web_url}</a>";

3) This feature is not currently available. You need to set width manually.

David answered 11 years ago

Hi! Abu

Thank you for you reply.

I have this issues with the URL



The % is being replace with %25

What should I do?

I tried removing all URLendcode reference from jqgrid_dist.php

Still not working.

Thank you.


PS: I am using the free version

Abu Ghufran answered 11 years ago

Hello David,

I am unable to generate this issue even in free version, and it seems to be working fine with code.

$col["link"] = "http://www.abc.com/DocLib/EPB%2019.pdf&quot;;
$col["linkoptions"] = "target='_blank'";

Note that %20 is treated as space character when used in URL, so actual file should be "EPB 19.pdf"

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