help with php grid and my own database

Questionshelp with php grid and my own database
RIcardo asked 12 years ago

Good afternoon, i´m working with your example of phpgrid and I Have a problem.
I can work and write to the database with a query only with $ g-> table and $ g-> select_command, but i can´t do the same with a sub query with join and multiple tables

Any ideas?
Thanks for reading my question


2 Answers
varun answered 12 years ago

Example: select_command(select ID,fullName as Name from table1 INNER JOIN table 2 as t2 on fullName.Name=t2.ID )

Inner join and Outer Join can be performed within Select_command statement and also u can give customized query over here.

Abu Ghufran answered 12 years ago


As said by varun, it should work in $g->select_command = "YOUR INNER JOIN QUERY";
You can debug using firebug and check actual reason for error.

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